2FA Isn’t The Holy Grail To Hackers

There has never been a more important time to protect one’s accounts from cybercrime, than ever before. Sometimes, a username and password is not enough, you need an extra layer. This extra layer goes by two-factor authentication (2FA) and it’s a huge help in protecting your online accounts. We have many types of 2FA on …

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Categories 2FA

Hierarchy of 2FA – Why We Don’t Need SMS 2FA

To understand why we don’t need SMS 2FA, we’ll order the factors from least secure to most secure. Password Password + SMS 2FA Password + Authenticator App Unique Password Unique Password + U2F *A unique password is a reasonable length, random, and never reused password. Password – Affected by phishing attacks, credential stuffing attacks, malware, and brute force …

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Categories 2FA

Why Google Authenticator and Authy 2FA Are So Effective?

A common trend I see is the rush to turn on 2FA like Google Authenticator and Authy, but do people understand why it’s so effective? Google Authenticator and Authy are TOTP (Time-based One-time Password) 2FA. I’m going to show you what makes TOTP 2FA so effective and why this matters. How TOTP 2FA Works When …

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Categories 2FA