You Have More Passwords Than You Realize – Over 100!

The average person has over 100 passwords.

That is 100 passwords following 100 different password requirements. It’s no wonder people hate passwords; remembering all that is not possible and leads to poor password hygiene.

This is why you need a password manager. Just one master password to remember, and everything is kept encrypted and secure.

But this still doesn’t hit home for some, saying you have 100 accounts doesn’t carry as much weight as showing you.

Seeing each account listed out hits harder than someone throwing around arbitrary numbers.

Let Me Show You How Many Passwords You Have!

I’ve listed what I consider “normal” online accounts someone would have.

Hopefully, seeing this list will help you understand you have a lot more accounts than you realize, and a password manager is a must to get you organized and better secured.

This list is also a good starting point if you’re in the process of changing all your passwords because you started using a password manager.

Internet Account List

Tip: Print this page and circle the accounts you have so you can see your actual number and know what passwords to start changing.

  1. Adobe
  2. Airbnb
  3. Airline Websites
  4. Amazon
  5. Apple
  6. Bank Account
  7. Best Buy
  8. Book Store
  9. Buffer
  10. Bumble
  11. Canva
  12. Car Loan
  13. Charity Website
  14. Child Care
  15. Clothing Store 1 (Khols)
  16. Clothing Store 2 (Old Navy)
  17. Clothing Store 3 (Gap)
  18. Craigslist
  19. Credit Card Account
  20. Credit Karma
  21. Crunchy Roll
  22. Crypto Account
  23. Dell
  24. Discord
  25. Disqus
  26. DMV Website
  27. DoorDash
  28. DropBox
  29. Drug Store 1
  30. Drug Store 2
  31. eBay
  32. Electric Company
  33. Email Account 1 (Gmail)
  34. Email Account 2 (Yahoo, AOL, Verizon)
  35. Email Account 3 (Hotmail, Outlook,
  36. ESPN
  37. Etsy
  38. Eventbrite
  39. Facebook
  40. Fast Food Account 1 (Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A, McDonald’s, Taco Bell)
  41. Fast Food Account 2 (Chili’s, Outback, The Cheesecake Factory, TGI Fridays)
  42. Fitness Tracking Apps (FitBit, Garmin)
  43. Flowers Website
  44. Github
  45. Go Fund Me
  46. Government Website (Federal)
  47. Government Website (State)
  48. Grammarly
  49. Grocery store
  50. Groupon
  51. GrubHub
  52. Gym
  53. Health Insurance
  54. Home Improvement Store (Home Depot)
  55. Home Improvement Store (Lowes)
  56. Home or Renter Insurance
  57. Home Security
  58. Hotel Website 1 (Hilton, Marriot, Holiday Inn)
  59. Hotel Website 2 (vrbo, Expedia, TripAdvisor, kayak, booking)
  60. HP
  61. Ikea
  62. IMDb
  63. Instagram
  64. Internet and Cable Bill
  65. Kickstarter
  66. Life360
  67. Lime Scooters
  68. Linkedin Account
  69. Lyft
  70. Mailchimp
  71. Mathway
  72. Medium
  73. Meeting Software
  74. Microsoft Account
  75. MLB
  76. Mortgage Company
  77. Movie Theater
  78. News Website 1
  79. News Website 2
  80. NextDoor
  81. Nike
  82. Office Depot
  83. Ok Cupid
  84. Pandora
  85. Paypal
  86. Petco
  87. Phone Account (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile)
  88. Photo Bucket
  89. Pinterest
  90. Pizza Place 1
  91. Pizza Place 2
  92. QuickBooks
  93. Quora
  94. Random Forum 1
  95. Random Forum 2
  96. Random Forum 3
  97. Reddit
  98. Religion-Related Website
  99. Remembering Passwords For Family as they forget them
  100. Retirement Accounts
  101. Robinhood
  102. Roblox
  103. Roku
  104. Rotten Tomatoes
  105. Samsung Account
  106. School Website
  107. Scribd
  108. Shoe Department Stores
  109. Shopify
  110. Slack
  111. Snapchat
  112. SoundCloud
  113. Sporting Goods (Dicks, Academy, Cabelas)
  114. Spotify
  115. Square
  116. Stackoverflow
  117. Staples
  118. Starbucks
  119. StockX
  120. Streaming (Disney)
  121. Streaming (HBO)
  122. Streaming (Hulu)
  123. Streaming (Netflix)
  124. Streaming (Peacock)
  125. Streaming (Plex)
  126. Student Loan Account
  127. Super Market (Publix, Kroger, Safeway, Wholefoods, Trader Joes, Costco)
  128. Target
  129. Tax Website
  130. Team Meeting App
  131. TikTok
  132. Tinder
  133. Trello
  134. Tumblr
  135. Twitch
  136. Twitter
  137. Uber
  138. Udemy
  140. Venmo
  141. Video Games (Activision)
  142. Video Games (
  143. Video Games (EA)
  144. Video Games (Nintendo)
  145. Video Games (Origin)
  146. Video Games (Playstation)
  147. Video Games (Steam)
  148. Video Games (Xbox)
  149. VPN
  150. Walmart
  151. Water Company
  152. Wayfair
  153. Weather App
  154. Web browser account
  155. Wifi Password
  156. Wix
  157. WordPress Account
  158. Work Password 1
  159. Work Password 2
  160. Work Password 3
  161. Xero
  162. Yelp Account
  163. Zillow
  164. Zoom

You Have More Than This!

This is a typical list of accounts someone might have.

I’m confident I’ve missed a few, and you will have more accounts. I have a guide here to help you find those accounts.

When a list of accounts is displayed it really shows you that it’s not possible to remember a unique password for every account. This leads people to reuse the same or similar password which is the worst thing you can do.

Combined with little to no password education and every website having its own password requirements, it can really drive people crazy.

The solution is to use a password manager and only remember one strong and unique master password. It’s the same reason why no one remembers phone numbers anymore; we have an app for that. So why treat your passwords any different?

Duplicate Accounts

Don’t forget you may have more than one of the same accounts if you’re anything like me. Since I never had a password manager to help me keep track of things, I ended up with multiple Apple and Microsoft accounts. This is common if you have multiple email accounts, so make sure to check them all for duplicate accounts.

Why are duplicate accounts bad? They confuse you.

I’ve seen it affect gaming accounts the most. The gamer changes their password but still gets emails saying their account keeps getting hacked. They don’t realize that they have two Steam accounts, and they’re only changing one account’s password because they have forgotten they had the other account.

Remember, what gets tracked gets managed!

What Password Manager Should You Get?

There is a lot of password managers to pick from, but my go-to for beginners is Bitwarden.

Before you say you don’t trust password managers or don’t want to “put all your eggs in one basket”, please give the peppering method a try. It solves all your worries!

Bitwarden is free, and I created a beginners video guide here.

One More Thing!

If I’ve missed an account please leave a comment below so I can add it.

The more accounts, the better for this demonstration, and it can help others in the future when they start using a password manager as they will know what to change.

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