How To Manage Passwords With ADHD

If you suffer from ADHD, then you know all too well that keeping track of passwords is a pain. You’re always forgetting your passwords, where you put them, and what crazy rule some website had. It’s very frustrating but there is a simple and easy solution for you. If you suffer from ADHD and have …

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How To Back Up The Google Authenticator App

The Google Authenticator app is the most popular “time-based one-time password” (TOTP) app on the market. It’s so popular that it’s often the default name used when talking about TOTP 2FA. Not many people realize that Google Authenticator does not back up the items you have stored in it. Your Google Authenticator app is NOT …

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Are Password Managers A Single Point Of Failure?

Are password managers a single point of failure? This is a question that gets asked by many new people to password managers. With all the data breaches happening it’s no wonder people are concerned about using a password manager. However, as long as you have a strong master password and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on …

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The Difference Between Password vs. Encryption Protection

Security is important, especially in the digital world. Not many people realize this, but the software you use may not be as secure as they promise when a “lock” option is available. There is a huge difference between something being password protected versus something being protected by encryption. Just because something is protected by a …

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The Reason Passwords Appear As Dots On Text Fields

I’ve often confused by the idea behind password fields displaying dots instead of the actual characters when typing them in. This design choice seems to contradict user-friendliness, as they can’t see the results of their keystrokes, potentially leading to errors in password entry. Although some websites use a second field to verify passwords, this doesn’t …

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Password Manager Emergency Sheet

It’s a good idea to write down your master password to your password manager and keep it somewhere safe and secure in your home. You should also write down your backup codes, or 2FA recovery codes as they’re sometimes called, on the same sheet too. Oh… and writing down your email password and computer password …

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